2015年4月1日 星期三

Getting Repetitive的意思:鬼打牆的英文

用這一段來凸顯 艾倫圖靈在片中的不善與人交際

John Cairncross: The boys, we're going to get some lunch.
John Cairncross: Alan?
Alan Turing: Yes?
John Cairncross: I said we're going to get some lunch.
John Cairncross: Alan?
Alan Turing: Yes?
John Cairncross: Can you hear me?
Alan Turing: Yes.
John Cairncross: I said we're off to get some lu-...
John Cairncross: This is starting to get a little bit repetitive.


Alan Turing: What is?
John Cairncross: I had asked, if you wanted to come have lunch with us.
Alan Turing: No, you didn't, you said you were going to get some lunch.
John Cairncross: Have I offended you in some way?
Alan Turing: Why would you think that?
John Cairncross: Would you like to come to lunch with us?
Alan Turing: What time's lunch time?
Hugh Alexander: [Frustrated] Christ, Alan, it's a bleeding sandwich.
Alan Turing: What is?
Hugh Alexander: Lunch.
Alan Turing: Oh, I don't like sandwiches.
John Cairncross: Nevermind.

