2015年4月7日 星期二

walk out on的意思:遺棄或是意指突然中斷一段關係的英文


Sherlock: I know you’re an Army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan. I know you've got a brother who’s worried about you but you won’t go to him for help because you don’t approve of him – possibly because he’s an alcoholic; more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. And I know that your therapist thinks your limp’s psychosomatic – quite correctly, I’m afraid.

walk out on

Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurusMedicalEncyclopedia.

walk out on somebody/something

to suddenly end your relationship with someone or something She walked out on her husband and two children after 12 years of marriage. Why would anyone walk out on a seven-year contract that includes a share of the profits?.
See also: outwalk
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003. Reproduced with permission.

