2015年4月25日 星期六

The Official Sherlock Convention & Prom 41: Sherlock Holmes – A Musical Mind



15:30 Sunday 16 Aug 2015


Prom 41: Sherlock Holmes – A Musical Mind

About this event

The Proms salutes a crime-fighting violin virtuoso who wrote a pioneering study of Dutch sacred music, tussled with a contralto from the Warsaw Opera and used Offenbach to outwit a pair of jewel thieves. This Proms matinee celebrates music that conjures up the world of Sherlock Holmes: works by Paganini, Lassus and Wagner which Conan Doyle tells us Holmes loved, and the film and TV scores written for him – from Miklós Rózsa’s The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes to David Arnold and Michael Price’s music from the BBC’s Sherlock series starring Benedict Cumberbatch. Special guests include Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss, as well as mezzo-soprano Christine Rice, who explores the repertoire of Holmes’s nemesis, the opera singer Irene Adler.


是的!因為BC跟Martin Freeman其實都很忙啊~




'Sherlock' Season 4 Suspected to be the Last; Leads Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman to Blame?

The fourth season of the much-acclaimed "Sherlock" is yet to start filming, and some rumours indicate that the next instalment could be the last in the detective drama.
John Watson and Sherlock Holmes
John Watson and Sherlock Holmes BBC One screengrab
The leads of "Sherlock," Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, are said to be so busy with their respective movie careers that they do not have time for the contemporary re-imagining of Arthur Conan Doyle's classic.
 "They don't need Sherlock anymore. So we have to persuade them to do it - which is fair enough," "Sherlock" co-creator Steven Moffat said in an interview at the BAFTA Television Awards nominees party in London, reportedBBC.
However, Moffat said he was surprised when they agreed to return for a fourth season.
"They are very serious about it, they do love it very much," he said. "I didn't think we actually thought we'd get a fourth series out of them."
What sets apart "Sherlock" from other shows is its format of short seasons consisting of just three episodes. Also, each season usually has  a gap of two years and loyal audience have always returned to catch up on what their favourite detective has in store for them.
When questioned about the fear of losing audience, Moffat said in an earlier interview withCollider that he was sure the two-year gap wouldn't drive away audience.
"There was still so much interest in Sherlock that we didn't have any doubt. We didn't expect the audience to be larger. It's gotten larger each year. Contrary to what people think, that doesn't happen. With very, very rare exceptions, audiences, even with huge hits, go gently down. Even for massively successful shows, they decline gently over time. That's normal and fair enough. Sherlock has grown each year, which is spectacular. So, we didn't doubt that the audience was still there."
As for the future of the show, Moffat said "Sherlock" could go on for a long time and he earlier hinted that there were plans for a fifth season. However, it remains to be seen if the lead actors' busy schedule will become a hurdle.
"Sherlock can go on for a long time because we just show up every occasionally and do it. It's like a reunion party every time," the co-creator said.

2015年4月23日 星期四

Sherlock: Anything but conventional期待的4/25即將來臨!新世紀福爾摩斯的粉絲大會!

Sherlock: Anything but conventional

AS THE first Sherlock fan convention takes place in London next weekend, Louis Barfe takes a look at what happens when the stars meet superfans face to face at these very special events

Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlocked, fan convention, Sherlock, movie, Clair WoodwardGETTY
Benedict Cumberbatch became and idol for many as Sherlock in BBC's popular series
Some call themselves Cumberbitches, while others prefer to be known as Cumberbabes. Whatever the name, they will be out in force in London’s Docklands next weekend for the Sherlocked fan convention at the ExCel centre.
For three days they will have the chance to hob-nob with the show’s heroes (and villains), but access to Benedict Cumberbatch himself depends on willingness to pay.
Holders of the basic £44 weekend ticket stand no chance of getting an in-person autograph from the star, but might be able to have their picture taken with him for a price if they get in quick. Platinum (£595) and VIP (£2,995) pass holders are given Benediction as part of the package.
Sherlocked is a big, official, corporate, affair; more like the Ideal Home Exhibition or the Boat Show than anything else. The bread and butter of the cult TV and film convention circuit are the smaller beanos organised by fans themselves.
“They’re always in the most unlikely places,”says Bob Fischer, broadcaster, Doctor Who fan and author of Wiffle Lever To Full, an affectionate book about a summerof attending such events. “There’s something very appealing about celebrating a futuristic science fiction programme in a Holiday Inn by a dual carriageway.”
doctor whoPH
Enthusiastic fans dress up as Dr Who and Amy Pond, while another poses in the Tardis
This year Thunderbirds enthusiasts have the choice of the official Andercon in Leicester, in June, organised by Gerry Anderson’s son Jamie and his company Anderson Entertainment; and the Fanderson convention at the Holiday Inn just off the A404(M) in Maidenhead, in October.
Although science fiction and fantasy dominates, particularly Doctor Who, comedy fans get their weekend jollies too. Every October a throng of Hi-De-Hi lovers converge in Harwich to meet their favourite Yellowcoats and those who worked behind the scenes. Or for those who like a bit of everything, the London Film Convention, held six timesa year at the Central Hall, Westminster, is a very good bet.
Pop fan conventions happen, but the objects of fascination are rarely in attendance. You won’t find Cliff Richard or Rod Stewart doing interviews on a panel or signing 10x8s by a ring road. The cult TV conventions are a different matter.
One major star who died at a convention is rumoured to have done so while pleasuring a female fan in his full costume.
“You can find yourself in the bar, sitting next to Greg Preston from Survivors (actor Ian McCulloch), and saying, ‘Can I buy you a St Clement’s?’,” says actor, comedian and convention performer Toby Hadoke, “There’s very little demarcation, and no attempts to monopolise the guests. I was talking to Philip Madoc once about The Brain Of Morbius, and evidently somebody had given him an action figure of Morbius’s Monster.
Suddenly, in mid-conversation, I noticed that there instead of a pocket square, he had this monster poking out of his jacket. ”
Sometimes the conversation strays from the main topic. “I’ve discussed the cruciate ligaments of former Crystal Palace midfielder John Salako with Paul McGann,” says Bob Fischer, adding: “I’ve also had Tom Baker look me in the eye in the geography classroom of a Barking comprehensive and tell me that you’ve never known unconditional love until you’ve owned a lurcher.”

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Cumberbabes notwithstanding, it might be assumed that conventions are overwhelmingly male affairs but this is increasingly not the case. “Since the new Doctor Who series began, and Billie Piper set it all off, it’s been a delight to see young girls coming to conventions,” says Hadoke. Fischer estimates a 50/50 split now, with many whole families attending.
For his book, Fischer attended a Robin of Sherwood convention, which was “predominantly female”, noting that “the men there tended to be husbands, dragged along and dressed up as medieval peasants to accompany their serving wench wives”.
Fans Lisa and Andrew Parker have many fond convention memories, the best of which involve actors who played feared characters turning out to be charming and enormous fun. 
Anthony Ainley, the fourth actor to play the dreaded Master in Doctor Who, was a gracious individual who offered Murray Mints to his fans, greeted ladies by kissing their hand and merrily offered a Masterly “What an unexpected pleasure” to people who pointed their camcorders at him.
Michael Sheard, a Doctor Who regular, best known as the humourless Mr Bronson in Grange Hill, “was an extremely nice man with a great sense of humour”, remembered for japes like lobbing “God-knows-how-old sausage rolls” into the audience and taking over the evening entertainment. TV historian John Williams recalls observing a “dance floor full of Who fans at 1am” from a safe distance, anaesthetised by the surfeit of alcohol that fuels the best fan gatherings.
We were abruptly seized from behind,” Williams recalls. “A husky voice said,‘Boys, are you fans? Mr Bronson’s here’ and after a brief struggle Sheard let us go, sprinted to the dance floor, berated the DJ and then demanded dances to the strains of School’s Out. The next morning at about 8am, I struggled down to breakfast and there was Sheard, bright as a button, signing autographs. Remarkable man.”
A recurring theme is the friendliness that abounds. “I went to conventions for things I wasn’t a massive fan of, and I was made totally welcome at all of them,” says
Fischer. “The fun of it for me is that you get a broad spectrum of fan-dom, from dilettantes dipping a toe to people who clearly think about nothing else all day.” Hadoke observes a wider purpose: “Conventions can be a social thing for people who might not be sociable otherwise. 
At one, a parent said her son wanted to meet me because he listened to all of my [podcast] shows. He was very quiet, but anywhere else he might have been apologising for himself.
“Being surrounded by like-minded people gives these people confidence. Doctor Who is emphatically a good thing, it facilitates creativity and promotes a benign world-view. ”
For the TV guests, there is a fee and possibly a chance to sell merchandise but, while this is clearly a moneyspinner at Sherlocked, Hadoke is not sure it is much of a pension boost at the more homely conventions. The old actors turn up for the fun.
“The ones that don’t enjoy it don’t do it,” he says, adding that many who would have left Doctor Who off their CV 15 years ago are now proud of their contribution.
“Many who really should be asked about more than just Doctor Who now say it’s nice to be remembered for anything,” says Hadoke, “Ray Lonnen’s Twitter biography mentioned his appearance in Frontier In Space. He was in four scenes, but he knew that a lot of people would be interested in that more than Harry’s Game or The Sandbaggers.”
Often anything but conventional, conventions represent fun and camaraderie in an increasingly fractured world. “Conventions are joyous when so many things are cynical and miserable,” Toby Hadoke concludes, “It’s easier to deconstruct something than it is to find the joy within it.” Give it 20 years, and Benedict might well be finding joy with the fans by the A404(M). Just keep him away from the sausage rolls. 

Benedict Cumberbatch’s Dunlop Ad班尼迪克康柏拜區Dunlop系列廣告

我沒有打算看完所有Benedict Cumberbatch拍過的廣告




Benedict:Why the coat and gloves, Wilkins?
Wilkins: 12 degrees centigrade, wind chill 10, sir.
Benedict:Why the umbrella, Wilkins?
Wilkins: 15% chance of rain, sir.
Benedict: Wilkins, why all my tires are Dunlop?
Wilkins: LOL (這演員實在是太搞笑了...班尼迪克先生的反應也很好笑)


Benedict: Why are you coming on my date, Wilkins?(威金斯,為什麼我約會你要跟?= =)

Benedict: Why haven't you learnt to drive, Wilkins?(威金斯,為什麼你還沒學開車?= =對呀...管家不是都要開車的嘛XD)

Benedict: Why do I never call your first name, Wilkins?(威金斯,我為什麼不叫你的名字呢?因為一直都叫family name, Wilkins,講到這我覺得Benedict先生自己都想笑了)

Benedict: Why are tires call tires?

Benedict: Why the Teddy always have to come?


WATCH: Benedict Cumberbatch’s ‘Sherlock’-ish Car Ad for China班尼迪克康柏拜區的新廣告




電話裡的女子說:Wanna play a game?


不過這部廣告中他只開了金口一次: I could do this all day.



OK, so it’s not a new episode of Sherlock, but it’s close.
Over the weekend, Benedict Cumberbatch took on a promtional mantle for MG Motors in China, and revealed a commercial he’d made in which he biffs around London and the English countryside in one of their cars. He begins by examining the car for clues—note the iconic red phone box and London landmarks—before using his deduction skills, just like Sherlock would, to lead him on a drive around town (and country):

Of course if this was really Sherlock, he’d have taken a cab.

Making Of製作特集






verb [T] (CHANGE) 

前陣子在複習A study in pink的台詞竟然...


John, you're a soldier. It's gonna take you a while to adjust to civilian life. 

2015年4月22日 星期三










確定:confirm   /kənˈfɜːm/ (發ㄣ的音)

Six people have confirmed that they will be attending and ten haven't replied yet.

遵照:conform  /kənˈfɔːm(發ㄡㄦ的音)

At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.


2015年4月21日 星期二



我看英文一樣,也常常混淆,畢竟不是native speaker





例:If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert.




例:They were lost in the desert for nine days.




例:What's that? You'd desert the girl you love? (出自電影Evita)

2015年4月19日 星期日

What Benedict Cumberbatch has been up to in the last week?班尼迪克蛋,噢 不,卷 福上週在做甚麼呢?

Our dearest Benedict Cumberbatch hosted the Laureus World Sports Awards in China in the last week!



Laureus Awards 2015 highlights


God, he surely suits in all kind of suits, I love it.


Fair enough to play with each other, I bring this for you...(鄧小姐拿最大的球拍XD)


當拿到正常版的,Ben說:I still think you're gonna beat me there.(我覺得你還是會贏XD)




卷福:In two days I have been rehearsing solidly and speaking mainly English.



 他說The thing about learning a language...There...there is always that leap of faith.

But what is the meaning of "leap of faith"? 




Reporter: And what's the next big sports event you'll be looking forward to?
Ben: Huh...Birth of my child!


大膽嘗試的英文怎麼說?leap of faith

The thing about learning a language...There...there is always that leap of faith.


"It is an act commonly associated with religious belief as many religions consider faith to be an essential element of piety."



不過這句話leap of faith也可用在大膽嘗試、一種跨越

I took a leap of faith by buying shares in my friend's new company. (買了朋友新公司的股票,喔~真大膽XD)
I've been offered a new job but I really don't know what it will be like. It's a real leap of faith.(新工作新嘗試!)
I think I'll have perm. It's a leap of faith but I hope it looks OK. (perm燙頭髮,我第一次燙也是如此)

2015年4月18日 星期六

新加坡奧林匹亞Anser of Cheryl's Birthday雪瑞兒的生日究竟是哪一天?答案真 相大白


Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is.

Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates.

May 15 May 16 May 19

June 17 June 18

July 14 July 16

August 14 August 15 August 17


Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and the day of her birthday respectively.


Albert: I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know that Bernard does not know too.


Bernard: At first I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know now.


Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl’s birthday is.


So when is Cheryl’s birthday?



5月15日 5月16日 5月19日 6月17日 6月18日
7月14日 7月16日 8月14日 8月15日 8月17日

這時候想像一下Sherlock的Mind Palace吧


Out of the 10 dates, the day ranges from 14 to 19, with only 18 and 19 each occuring once. If the day of Cheryl's birthday is 18 or 19, then Bernard would have known when Cheryl's birthday is since Cheryl has told the day of her birthday.

5月15日 5月16日 5月19日 6月17日 6月18日
7月14日 7月16日 8月14日 8月15日 8月17日


But why does Albert know that Bernard does not know? If Cheryl has told Albert that her birth month is May or June, then it is possible that her birthday may be May 19 or June 18. This means that Bernard may know when Cheryl's birthday is. The fact that Albert knows that Bernard does not know means that Cheryl has told Albert that her birth month is either July or August.

5月15日 5月16日 5月19日 6月17日 6月18日
7月14日 7月16日 8月14日 8月15日 8月17日


Initially, Bernard does not know when Cheryl's birthday is, but how did he know after Albert has first spoken? Out of the 5 remaining dated in July ad August, the day ranges from 15 to 17, with only 14 occurring twice. If Cheryl has told Bernard the day of her birthday is 14, then Bernard would not have known. The fact that Bernard knows means the day of her birthday is not 14. So now we are left with 3 possible dates: July 16, August 15 and August 17.

5月15日 5月16日 5月19日 6月17日 6月18日
7月14日 7月16日 8月14日 8月15日 8月17日

第四步:為什麼Bernard知道了?因為他的日期是unique的!剩下的日期都不一樣,只知道日期的Bernard這時候就知道月份了,不是嗎?Albert也不是省油的燈,他聽到Bernard知道生日之後,同樣推理刪除了7月14日跟是8月14日,為什麼Albert這麼肯定知道?因為Alber也沒那麼聰明,可以從重複的8月中猜出日子,而Albet知道月份,所以答案出爐。Case solved!

After Bernard has spoken, Albert now knows when Cheryl's birthday is. IF Cheryl has told Albert her birth month is August, then Albert would not have known because there are two possible dates in August.

Cheryl's birthday is on July 16.

5月15日 5月16日 5月19日 6月17日 6月18日
7月14日 7月16日 8月14日 8月15日 8月17日
